Monday, February 14, 2011

Shall I dare say... This is the home stretch?!?

Lots of friends joined us last weekend for a very fun and memorable baby shower. There was baby food tasting, Scrabble tile baby naming, name-that-young-celebrity games, lots of laughter, cupcakes, snacks and hot apple cider. Our friend Debbie made her famous artichoke jalapeno dip that is so indescribably good, that I can't describe it. With all the fun and warmth in the room, I'm surprised the baby didn't want to come out a little early to take part. We are very grateful for the welcome our baby girl is receiving. (more pics on facebook page).

We are inching towards being more prepared for the arrival. We miraculously figured out how to put together the crib... so that's a start! I hate when directions say to use C3 to link P2 and P6 in the text- but then the diagram shows C3 linking P2 and P5... and there isn't even a piece labeled P6. I also hate when there's extra pieces at the end, even though you followed all 46 steps. If I ever end up doing premarital counseling (as the counselor) I think I will have the couples build a crib together. After that I will tell them if it's going to work out or not... or maybe they will decide for themselves after the experience. Couples that can survive building furniture together, can ____ (you fill in the blank... almost anything goes!).

This week my goal is to pack a bag for the hospital to put in my car! I was looking at the packing lists online and I got excited to see that they recommend bringing an outfit for the baby! Does this mean we actually get to bring a baby home from the hospital? I was thinking so much of the pregnancy, labor and birth, I forgot for a moment that we'll get to use those cute little doll clothes for a real person!

Last week I was suffering from a lot of pain in my hand and a deep ache on the whole right side of my body, especially my joints. It also hurt to take a deep breath in and I had sharp pains in my belly that wouldn't let up. I was experiencing acid reflux and couldn't sleep. 40 hours of work last week felt like 400. It was also bitterly cold and 6 more weeks sounded incredibly too long. This week, by the grace of God, my hand doesn't hurt, my right side is just fine and I'm not having sharp belly pains. Also, I'm sleeping better. The reflux I can deal with, and this weather... is nothing shy of miraculous. 5 more weeks till my due date... I can do that! Let the countdown BEGIN (err... continue!).


  1. Hang in there! You'll be on the other side before you know it. And it won't take long before you've all but forgotten what these 9-10 months have been like.

    And yes, you'll get to bring her home. :-) I'd just say milk the hospital for as much time as your insurance will let you stay there (provided your room isn't horribly uncomfortable or something). We went home too early and had to come back in to take care of some jaundice.

  2. I hope everything is going good you haven't posted in a while so Im wondering if you had the baby or just busy.... Hope all is well!

    -Jamie R.

  3. Hey Jamie.. No baby yet. Just busy and lacking words! I hope you're feeling good too!
