Sunday, October 10, 2010


Many have heard the news that I have a small growing person inside of me. Many have also asked how I've been feeling. I'm not sure how to answer that...

Throughout July and August I felt like I had the flu while spinning on a merry-go-round, which was on a ship, in a storm. I was dehydrated, losing weight, and missing work...a lot. I didn't want to throw up at work because I was trying to keep the pregnancy a secret... So I would hop in my car and drive to Target (or Chipotle, or Office Max) to use their facilities- many times a day. Finally I was prescribed a strong anti-nausea medication, which helped. I was counting down the days to September because I was told that the 2nd trimester of pregnancy is bliss. September came and went and I felt like I finally got off of the merry-go-round, but I was still at sea with the flu. Now it's October and I feel better maybe I'm on land with the flu, a vice squeezing my head, and a brick in my belly (the brick is from the meds)- quite an improvement. I'm still nauseous but not as bad and I'm not throwing up as often. I'm glad about this because the bathroom floor is a disgusting place for a forehead to rest. I told the baby last night that if s/he didn't stop making me sick I would ground her till s/he's 3, at least. I don't know, is that too harsh?

Because of how distracting the nausea has been, I'm not sure if the reality of what's developing has hit me fully. It's strange to think a life that was not there before has come into existence. It's so normal, and yet so profound.


  1. Nice work Bec! Profound ---- and funny...

  2. and oh so true. just know, you're not going it alone. same experience for me 1st time around and 2nd....ugh. CONGRATS to you and grant! i'm super excited for you two, you're going to be amazing parents.

  3. Oh my poor cousin! I am so sorry:( I am going to have to have Laura read your blog... I think she can relate to you in so many ways :) I am thinking this runs in the Olson blood?! Praying things disappear soon and you get better! Laura is ready to have a baby any day now!
